Interviews mit Jenny
Als in der 2. Dezemberwoche "Singles of the 90s" in Spanien und Europa promotete, gab Jenny Berggren verschiedene Interviews für spanische Medien. Allerdings kam sie dafür nicht nach Spanien, sondern hielt diese am Telefon. Im Februar 2000 wurden die folgenden Interviews in den spanischen Medien veröffentlicht. Diese Interviews sind dem spanischen Acer Paul, der ebenfalls im offiziellen spanischen Fanclub engagiert ist, zu verdanken. Er veröffentlichte die 4 Interviews in "Teenage Heaven" von POP MASTERS ARE BACK The Abba of the 90s will release a
greatest hits with the singles of their first three albums. Also in SOT90S
the swedishs will include some new songs as a preview of their new album
expected for this year. They invaded dance floors all over the
world with their happy and dancing techno-pop on the begining of the 90s.
Their first hits, today classics of the dance music, made them fill the
hole left by Abba. JENNY-Now we feel ourselves more free and
of course more mature musically speaking. We have evolved and grown with
our public without changing our danceable pop line that so good result has
given to us all over the world. JENNY-It had been since some time ago
that we had been thinking about this project. We received many letters of
our fans requesting to return and thought that this was a good bridge, a
good way to begin the new decade with many desire. In addition, we were
preparing a new disc and this was the best form to return to connect with
the public. JENNY-No, but it was hard to make
the final tracklisting of the cd. For us all our songs are favorites, but
it was impossible to put them all. We also have considered very important
to include new songs and that way know the reaction of the public to our
new compositions. JENNY-Yes. We never stoped being together.
We have kept together all this time even when we knew about the rumours
that of course were never true. After so many time together we still enjoy
it, both inside and outside the recording studio, but sometimes there were
missunderstoods. We are convinced that there is no group that supports,
without any kind of discussion, two years of gigs and tours all around the
world. JENNY-For our songs, of course. The most
important thing is that people have fun and enjoys our music listening and
dancing to them. JENNY-Now there are some very interesting
musical styles: hip-hop, drum'n bass, house, and they give a lot of
possibilities. More than covers, what we are gonna show in our next albums
is a mix of these styles. A lot of dance!!! JENNY- Jonas composes most of the songs,
but the four of us give our ideas and personal points of view. JENNY-We meet at the studio and see what
we have. It's not so hard as it may seem. JENNY-As I said before we are working on
it. There are some tracks recorded at the studio and the cd will be
published at the end of summer 2000, but we don't have an exact date
still. JENNY-No, I don't think it will be possible. We are very concentrated on the new album and we have parked the promotion for a while. Visits are left for later. ACE OF BASE, A DECADE OF SUCCESS On the past ten years Ace of Base has
sold over 30 million copies of their albums and 15 millions of their
singles, they have been number one on almost all the world music charts
and have become a phenomenon. Ace of Base is Jonas "Joker" Petter Berggren,
his sisters Malin Sofia Katarina, known as Linn and Jenny Cecilia together
with Ulf "Buddha" Gunnar Ekberg. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, Ace of Base
started with a different name, Tech Noir. After a few time they called
themselves as we know them now and started to have success with their
first world hit, All That She Wants. After three successful albums arrives
for this year 2000 a greatest hits with three unreleased songs. A pleasure
for the AceofBasemaniatics, a pleasure for us talking with Jenny. JENNY-We have chosen the songs that
we really like more for the Singles of the 90s and the three new songs
that we have included have been chosen from another other 15 tracks we
have and that will be included on a new cd. The recopilation was released
first in Denmark and Germany because music companies wanted it to be
available on christmas. We thought it was a bit crazy because after some
time without releasing anything we wanted to release something new and not
a greatest hits but the music companies insisted because fans were
requesting a preview from the new album. We finally accepted to win some
time and that way have ready the new studio album. JENNY-Yes, from the new songs my
favorite is "Hallo Hallo" and from the old songs "Happy Nation". I think
they are tracks that will never get old and that everybody knows and sings. JENNY-Probably to the people that bought
the first album because it's the most popular album of the three we have
published. Also to a new generation that was too much young to buy our cds
and to know we existed. But there is a lot of adult people that in contact
with their sons and daughters have got to know and to like us. JENNY-Jonas and Ulf have worked
producing on solo projects under the name of "Yaki-Da" and "Together" and
is good that each one developes his/her own projects and not get bored,
but our priority is the "Ace of Base" project and is the one that more
time takes of us. JENNY-Gay fans are very important for us,
and I'm not trying to be cool now with them, but is a thing we have talked
a lot between us on the band and is a shame that people don't realize that
being gay is only a way of love, not a provocation or something bad. By
the other side the gay public is very critic and has different musical
tastes. But I don't think that their support, that I'm sure is there, was
specially important for our success. In Sweden, if there is a band that
really feels the gay support is Abba. JENNY-We recorded "Beautiful Life"
in spanish but the guy that did the traduction of the lyrics did a really
bad work and finished sounding horrible. We were singing something without
sense and finally decided to stop the production of the song before it
reached the stores. As experience it was enough for us. They have been ten years there,
filling the radios with their happy pop songs, songs that were born to be
number one. These four swedish - sibling Jonas, Linn and Jenny Berggren
and friend Ulf Ekberg- have meet the success since their first world wide
hit All That She Wants and haven't stopped to release singles on the same
style. A bit of reggae, a bit of motown, but always with their
inconfundible sound which mission is to make people dance. The publication
of Singles of the 90s shows that Ace of Base has left an important mark of
the world of europop. JENNY-It's a bit strange. We are working
on a new album, so releasing a greatest hits means stablishing a bridge
with the new decade. The most important is that we have kept together all
this time and have tried to use different musical styles. Now we are at
the studio and we are enjoying it very much, and that's a rare thing
because our music company pushed us so much in the past that there was a
time that recording sessions became a trauma. Right now we feel more free. JENNY-I wouldn't mind it, it's a
song that I love. Success is very strange and imprevisible. You can put
all your heart but you never know if your work will fill the expectatives
of the public. And if things go too much well then success finish being
bad, your feel youself like a golden cow that everybody adore without
reason. You see that people behind you are more worried for the sales than
for you. In brief, you really need a hard protection to not get destroyed. JENNY-It's true we habe been
criticized a lot on the last years but a situation like this make you
wonder: who are you, what are you doing, what's your mission. The sad
thing is that always speaks people that should shut up. We are not so
repetitive and boring like many others actual groups, but we were the
firsts to explore the happy songs style, that's true. JENNY-On a side I understand that
there is people that don't like pop, as there is people that don't like
heavy. We listen to all kinds of music, so we don't have limits in our
evolution. But it is sad that some people tries to put limits to the music
and this people is the one that enjoys less our music. It happens to me
that I can't stand jazz fussion. JENNY-Basically it's because they sold
themselves to their music company, and their music company doesn't let
their spirit in peace [···laughs···]. It's a very easy way to make
profitable their success, re-editing the sames albums again and again. By
the other side I have to admit an amazing capacity to create melodies,
that's why people keeps loving them. JENNY-I know members of the two
groups you put as examples, and even if at a personally level I have very
few things in common with them but on the musical level we have nothing in
common. Aqua is a band to much... marketed, and The Cardigans are too much
dark, but I respect them. Anyway what I really care for is our music. JENNY-If one of the objectives of a
band is NOT to have numbers one on the music charts then there is no need
to feel we are lossing our success. The important things is to have an
innocent spirit in such a hard business like this, and that's not really
easy. We have to keep looking at the material we have without thinking
about platinum discs and marketing. What people wants is to listen to good
songs, and that's why we are concentrating so much on the composition.
There is no formula here, mass creation is not our style. It's something
similar to what happend on the fashion world: I remember that there was a
time where fashion designers wanted to impose to us the women the
miniskirt but they didn't have success. You don't have to underestimate
the people thinking that they are so stupid like for buying what a
magazine says is cool even if they don't like it. The secret of our
success is based on that we have never tried to go breaking the market
with our music and offer something radically new. What has happened with
Jennifer Paige, for example? Crush was a big hit, but where is she now? JENNY-None. We have never ever had
the fights that some medias published. Almost everybody knows that three
of us are siblings and we know perfectly how to manage each other, but we
are also part of a band. We never created Ace of Base to last forever, and
I really doubt we will keep working together when we will be 80 years old.
For that we have the Rolling Stones [···laughs···]. The important is that
problems get a solution quickly to skip bad feelings so we can have a cool
coexistence. What I have to admit is that after the two years of tour with
our first album we started to get a bit bored of each other. But I don't
know of any band that after supporting the pressure of success and an
exhausting promotional tour still remain together. There were
missunderstoods and discussions but that's inevitable in this business. JENNY-Ulf never was a neonazi, so
this is another rumour that keeps clarified. He had a relation with a
group of skinheads in a moment of his life and in interviews he did all
over the world he has declared how sorry he feels for being part of this
movement. I don't think it's good to talk about this topics, because the
only thing we get is to make free publicity to nazis groups. JENNY-It's impossible to control the
medias and much more to win them on their own area. The best is to answer
with honesty to their questions and skip bad feelings. But not everybody
dares to make some questions face to face, because some of them just don't
care for the true, they just want to make you appear like a bad person. JENNY-Well, my boyfriend is a lot
younger than me, so I have to admit I'm still young on my spirit [···laughs···].
We follow the example of our parents, they teached us to follow our
feelings and do always what we want. JENNY-I'm already tired of europop.
Right now there are lot's of styles much more interesting but I don't know
if we will reach them, all is a production thing, and my opinion does not
count a lot on this aspect. I really doubt we will vary a lot in our
musical direction, but we will see. JENNY-We are all the day closed at the
recording studio, ¡and we won't leave it till we have finished the album!
We only let our brother go out so he can see a daughter he had some weeks
ago. JENNY-It's so hard! Lots of my favorites groups are gone, like 2 Unlimited. What more? Of course, the best, Abba, with them we will never be compared, -even we share the same taste for the melodies and we come from the same country. They haven't published any new song this decade but their songs keep being the most listened all aroudn the world. The third band would be Savage Garden, because I feel an incredible energy in their compositions. Once we had the same producer that Savage Garden and he told us that both we and Savage Garden have a similar way of working at the studio, very relaxed. We have never liked to take things too much serious. |