with Jonas and Hannah K on (10.06.2003) Najs: Woha! acerofalways: Hi Jonas . nice to see you ... Najs: Hi Jonas!! JONAS: HI! NICE TO BE HERE! Line: Välkommen Jonas! JONAS: NOW THE 15 MINUTES HAS GONE... Najs: How are you doing after this interaction with the fans? JONAS: TOMORROW WE ARE GOING TO WORK ACTIVE WITH HANNAH K´S NEW SINGLE... JONAS: IT HAS BEEN SENT TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT COUNTRIES NO... Najs: Sounds cool!! Have not heard it on P3 yet though... JONAS: NOW... JONAS: SPAIN, GERMANY AND FRANCE... JONAS: P4 IS PLAYING IT acerofalways: Oh that`s nice to see Hannah K in Germany Line: Cool Good luck in France the market is tough... Najs: P4, aha.. Not listening to that station lol... I should though considering it is a local radio station.. JONAS: ACTUALLY HEAR... BUT SHE IS HERE TO WITH ME... JONAS: HANNAH K WILL BE ON THE CHAT FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES.. NOW JulianGermany: HI JONAS! Najs: Hej Hej Hanna! skall bli roligt att höra din singel på radion snart! Line: Hej Hannah! HANNAH K: YES, I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU ALL WILL LIKE IT, I'M QUITE PROUD MYSELF! Line: How does it feel to work without record labels behind you? acerofalways: hello Hannah - you did a great work with Jonas - love Summertime hope it will be released here in Germany ... JulianGermany: I didn't receive the Hannah K.-promos yet, hope they will be here tomorrow! HANNAH K: THANKS!:) Najs: Has it been released as single yet? Here in sweden that is? JONAS/HANNAH K: jULIAN, WE DID SEND THE SINGLES TO YOU LAST WEEK SO LET'S HOPE YOU RECIEVE IT SOON.....;) JulianGermany: i expect them for tomorrow!! JONAS/HANNAH K: WE'RE PLANNING TO RELESE IT THIS WEEK AND OFFCOURSE WE ARE VERY EXCITED Najs: Jonas, on what company is she released? JulianGermany: What record label is Hannah K signed at?! Najs: Great minds think alike! HANNAH K: THE COMPANY THAT HAS SIGNED ME IS JTM, SO FAR. Najs: Join the music? HANNAH K: JAPP;) Najs: Rikgty! Najs: signa över Ace of base där med!! JONAS: YEAH, WHY NOT...HAHA:) Najs: You should!!! HANNAH K: SORRY GOTTA GO, NICE "TALKING" TO YOU, SLEEPY HANNAH K Najs: Hej då Hannah!!! kram JONAS/HANNAH K: BYE Line: Bye thanks for coming! Jonas answered some questions of the fans on his personal website before this chat started, here they are: Anna: What`s the name of your son - Göran or Gabriel? Jonas: His name is Gabriel, but we call him ... Gabbe most of the time. Julian: Actually, I would like to know if it`s possible for you to put some of your TECH NOIR songs online. I think many fans are interested in that. Also I`d like to hear the song "Mr. Ace" ... Jonas: When you come to my studio in august, you can listen to many interesting songs ... you and three more of the fanclub. Marlous: Hej Jonas, just wanna wish you good luck on all your work with Hannah K - we are all willing to help! Can you give us some future-plans ... If they are already been made? About Ace of Base and the solo-projects? Jonas: Hi! It`s a reliefto work with such a talented artist. I hope you appreciate, that you`re the first to know about my new music ... |