ace of base >>>


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O U T   N O W !



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Endlich ist es soweit Jenny veröffentlicht ihr erstes Solo-Album "My Story"!

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"The Juvenile" on SWR3

On 03rd November "The Juvenile" will be presented as the editors-tip on the listener-charts of the german radio-station SWR3! The charts will be on air from 7 to 10 p.m. german time. "Beautiful Morning" could top the carts on #4!

BTW the promo-CD to "The Juvenile" contains only one track ...


Ace of Base will perform on the Charity 2002!

The product-manager of Ace of Base on Polydor confirmed me today, that Ace of Base will appear on the concert "Charity 2002" in Frankfurt/Main on 10th November! One day before Ace of Base will perform on the gala to UNESCO in Düsseldorf! "Charity 2002" will be shown on 23th November on the TV-channel SAT.1 at 11.30 p.m. german time.

Tickets you will get on the CTS-tickethotline 01805-57 00 00 (0,12 Euro/Min.), on the net under Contact: Belinda Krug, 0221-33 86-31

The Juvenile

The video to "The Juvenile" will be filmed at the end of November! The releasing of the second single is planned for the 02nd December. This information was given by Polydor today too.

Press-release by Polydor to "The Juvenile"

„The Juvenile“ – this is the new single of Ace of Base. It is the second release from the album "Da Capo". The song is the official song to the big x-mas campaign of RTL in this year. From the middle of November more than 500 trailer will be shown with "The Juvenile". This is a fantastic promotion for the song!

Originally the song was written as the title-song for James Bond. This style gives the band a new brightness and proves the musicality of Ace of Base. The song is written by Jonad and sung by his sister Jenny. The producer are the hitmaker-team La Carr in Stockholm.

The band will present the song on some TV-shows. There are planned more press-features too. "The Juvenile" is the hymn to the christmas-time - simply listen to it and relax!


UNESCO Benefizgala

On 09th November there will be the "Internationale UNESCO Benefiz - Gala für Kinder in Not" in Düsseldorf! And Ace of Base will be there. This information is confirmed by the official site of the organizer - UNESCO. Other stars will be The Kelly Family, Sasha and Lou Bega! The gala will be moderated by Katja Burkhard and Thomas Koschwitz.


Will Ace of Base appear on charity-concert?

On 09th and 10th November in Frankfurt/Main the gala "Charity 2002" will be on the "Frankfurter Festhalle". And Ace of Base will appear on this concert, this information published the info-site Kick-Media. Other acts are Marque, Sarah Connor, Nena, Vanessa Amorosi and DJ Bobo! The german star Kai Pflaume will moderate this concert. The proceeds will go to "Hand in Hand for Children e.V.". Furthermore the concert will be shown on the german TV-channel Sat.1 on 23th Nobember at 11.30 p.m. german time!

Unfortunately the appearance is not confirmed by Polydor till now and on the official poster to the concert Ace of Base is not announced ... more information soon, after a call with Polydor!

Tickets you will get on the CTS-tickethotline 01805-57 00 00 (0,12 Euro/Min.), on the net under Contactt: Belinda Krug, 0221-33 86-31




On 25th October there was the gala of NRJ Sweden in Malmö. Ace of Bas was there (Ulf and Jenny) and perforemd live the songs Beautiful Morning and Unspeakable! More details on !


"The Juvenile"

The 2nd single of Ace of Base, "The Juvenile", will be released on 02nd December 2002 in Germany! This and the following information Polydor confirmed in a phonecall with me today. Furthermore "The Juvenile" will be used as the leadsong for the christmas-promotion-campaign of the leading erman channel RTL. That means, that more than 300 trailer will shown on the german TV with the music of Ace of Base, "The Juvenile"! Now the chances for a big success of the first released ballad in Germany ever are more than great!

"Herrens Sanning"

This week a charity-CD was released in Sweden! This CD was made to help youth people with drug-problems... Jonas, Jenny and Jacob Petren, the boy-riend of Jenny, wrote a song, called "Herrens Sanning" for this CD! Now you can download the song on !


On the official german sales-charts Ace of Base is with Beautiful Morning now on #81. The album "Da Capo" climbed to #54! >>Charts


Live-appearance in Malmö

NRJ-Sweden will make a gala-concert in Malmö this friday and Ace of Base is live on stage! The concert will be on 25th October 02. The promo-poster you will find here.


Beautiful Morning is back on the Top10 in the german airplay-charts - on #10! >>Charts


The Juvenile/Unspeakable

In Scandinavia the second single will be the song Unspeakable! But for the first time there will be no video! If a video will be made depends on the sales of "Da Capo" and the readio-airplay of the song ...

"The Juvenile" will be the second single in Germany like I reported some days ago and this song will get a video! This information was given by Joe from , he got a mail of the label...



The current charts are known: Switzerland - Beautiful Morning #32 (39), Da Capo #26 (24); Sweden - Beautiful Morning #19 (21); Da Capo #27 (25) - all charts here.


"The Juvenile"

Now the decision for the second single in Germany is set! "The Juvenile" will be released as the next single here in Germany!


This week is not not good for the chart-news to Ace of Base in Germany. The single "Beautiful Morning" is now on #64 and the album on #71 ... all charts here.



The new official charts are known: for example "Da Capo" had his debut in Sweden on #25 and in Switzerland on #24. Beautiful Morning climbed in Sweden #21 and is still on #39 in Switzerland. All new charts from Norway to Austria - here.


Promotion - 2nd single-release

On a phonecall the german label Polydor told me some news to Ace of Base! A second single will be released in Germany for sure! Which song it will be is not fixed till now, but the decision will be made in the next weeks. Furthermore Polydor is planning more appearances of Ace of Base in the german TV, especially on great evening-shows.


Finally Ace of Base had his debut on the Bravo-Charts in Germany on #16!



The new album "Da Capo" had his debut on the german sales-charts this week. The first position is #48! "Beautiful Morning" is back on the Top50 in Germany on #44. Thanks to Michael from to contact Polydor for these information! Charts

The Collection

In UK there was released on 7th October a CD with the title "The Collection" Here the tracklisting:

1 All That She Wants
2 Voulez-Vous Danser
3 Young And Proud
4 Waiting For Magic
5 Happy Nation
6 Dancer In A Daydream
7 Edge Of Heaven
8 Angel Eyes
9 Beautiful Life
10 My Deja Vu
11 Lucky Love
12 Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry
13 Travel To Romantis
14 Cecilia
15 Cruel Summer
16 Tokyio Girl
17 Donnie
18 Everytime It Rains


Ace of Base on TV

The german music-sender VIVA will make a report about Ace of Base for one hour on the show Interaktiv-Spezial on 12th and 13th October! There will be probably some scenes from the Meet & Greet in Stockholm from the last week! The show will start on 12th Oct. on 11 and on 13th Oct. on 3 p.m. german time!

Furthermore Ace of Base will perform today on the show BingoLotto on the swedish TV! Ace of Base was this Tuesday on the austrian sender ORF2 on the talk-show "Vera"!



Tino, the webmaster of, is planning an acermeeting from 25th to 27th October in Berlin! I you want to be there, send an e-mail to - more information under!


On the second week in Switzerland Beautiful Morning is #39! In Austria the single debuted on #55. Charts



On the official german sale-charts "Beautiful Morning" is on the 2nd week on #54! Charts


Da Capo - The DVD promote the first DVD of Ace of Base on the internet - you could see the review, what will be on the DVD and the cover. Now you will find these informations under the new section "aktuelle DVD"!


Hey Darling

If you have bought the album, you will listen to a new version of the song "Hey Darling" - a little surprise from the band and the labels to the fans!

Karstadt Berlin boycotts Ace of Base

Karstadt Berlin boxcotts Ace of Base! The policy of this store was made, because the songs could be downloaded from This decision of this store is only unbelievable and unspeakable!

official homepage

Today the official website of Ace of Base open his doors to a new fantastic site with incredible and awesome features!



Ace of Base performed on the SKL-Show with Jenny, Linn and Ulf - now you can download the appearance: click hier (12 MB)


Top Of The Pops

Today Ace of Base was shown on the show Top Of The Pops - now you can download the appearance: click here (10 MB)

album of the week

RTL is presenting "Da Capo" as the Album-Highlight of the week! That means a little more promotion for Ace of Base!



Here the new official chart-positions: Sweden #20 (14), Denmark #18 (20), Swiss #35 (neu) und Germany #38 (neu). >Charts

Vote for Ace of Base

And don`t forget to vote again for Ace of Base and Beautiful Morning. Here some links for it:

Radio Jump -
Radio PSR -
Deutsche Web-Charts -


neue Verlosung

Polydor and the fansite mak a new raffle to the releasing of the new album Da Capo on 30th September 02 - you can win promo-folders o the new album Da Capo, incl. the CD of Da Capo, and fotos of the band! click hier


"Beautiful Morning" steigt in den offiziellen deutschen Verkaufscharts auf dem 38. Platz ein!


Pics of the album "Da Capo"

Today I got a mail with a preview of the booklet of the upcoming album "Da Capo" - with new fotos and the lyrics: click here

new TV-dates

Ace of Base will appear again on VIVA in Germany - on 26th September on Planet VIVA (6 p.m. german time) and on "Was geht ab?" on 29th September (2 p.m. german time). On both appearances Ace of Base will give an interview.

Furthermore you can win a Meet & Greet with Ace of Base in Stockholm. You have to answer this question: What is the title of the new album? Send it to the following adresses (only german citizens):

Viva Interaktiv
Stichwort: Ace Of Base
Postfach 190 309
50500 Köln


Ace of Base in Promotion

Ace of Base will perform on 28th September on the show "SKL-Show" on the german tv-sender RTL. The show will start on 8.15 p.m. german time. On the same date the Top Of The Pops-appearance will be on air in the TV-sender RTL on 5.45 p.m. german time.

Last week Ace of Base was on the chat of the site and talked with their fans, especially answered their questions. The whole chat you will find here.

On 19th September Ace of Base was on the record-session for the show Top Of the Pops in Cologne - they appeared two times and meet the fans for 30 minutes after the show. Pictures you will get here and on!

Some hours before the appearance on TOTP Ace of Base appeared on the show Interaktiv on VIVA - here you can download the performance: click here.


Ace of Base has with Beautiful Morning a new entry in the swedish and danish sales-charts. In Sweden BM has his debut on #14, in Danmark on #20.


Promotion in Germany

The promotion in Germany for the new single "Beautiful Morning" has started today! Ace of Base will be on Interaktiv of VIVA on the 19th September! Furthermore the song is the no1-bullet-hit of the week of the german tv-sender RTL2! And today Polydor started the tv-promo-clip für "Beautiful Morning" on the german TV-stations... download TV-Spot


new press-release from Polydor

Polydor published a new press-release with new information to the band and the new album! Especially Jonas talks about the writing of the new songs and why it needs so much time. Ulf talks about his own firm Legion and there are details of role of every ace in the band. Last but not least, Polydor mentioned the acermeeting of the fans in June this year in Gothenborg. Here the whole press-release


DVD of Da Capo

Polydor will release on 21st October DVD with the title "Da Capo"! In a phonecall the label told me some details to this DVD. Th DVD will contain the audio-files to the new album, all published videos of Ace of Base, pictures and background-infromation to the band ...

Now 3 releases within a month ecpect the fans of Ace of Base: "Beautiful Morning" - 16.09.; "Da Capo" (album) - 30.09. and "Da Capo" (DVD) - 21.10.


win 1 of 5 promo-CDs on

On the homepage of the german label Polydor,, you can win one of 5 promo-CDs of "Beautiful Morning"  - you have to answer following question: What is the title of the first album of Ace of Base? Good luck!


Ace of Base in Germany and Swisse

On a phonecall Polydor confirmed, that Ace of Base will appear on the show "Tops Of The Pops" on 21th September here in Germany. The record will be on the 19th September. Polydor also confirmed the known tracklisting of the new album "Da Capo"!

Furthermore hte TV-appearance of the band on VIVA-Swizz is delaye from 10th September to the 24th September. On this date the band will go to the show Interaktiv of VIVA-Swizz and will visit some radiostations for interviews in Zurich! These informations are confirmed by Polydor Swisse and were given to an acer from Swisse!


The german label Polydor and the fansite make a raffle to the releasing of Beautfiul Morning on 16th September here in Germany! You can win Maxi-CDs of the single! click here



The article from the VIVABamS is online now on - with the pictures! click here


Ace of Base live on Interaktiv of VIVA-Swizz!

Ace of Base will be live on the show Interaktiv from the Musicsender VIVA Swizz in Suisse on 10th September! Die show will be on air from 5 to 6 p.m. german time!

Da Capo - tTracklist - songs online

Thanks to Tino from 4ever, - he got the songs and the tracklist of the new album today. go to the site to listen to the songs! Here the tracklisting:

1. Unspeakable 3:14
2. Beautiful Morning 2:59
3. Remember The Words 3:42
4. Da Capo 3:11
5. World Down Under 3:34
6. Ordinary Day 3:23
7. Wonderful Live 4:15
8. Show Me Love 3:43
9. What's The Name Of The Game? 3:03
10. Change With The Light 3:37
11. Hey Darling 3:17
12. The Juvenile 3:44


Ace of Base in VIVA-BamS again

In the issue of 08th September 02 of VIVA-BamS the leading-article will be about Ace of Base! This make it for sure, that the VIVA-BamS will include a big report about the 4 Aces and the new single "Beautiful Morning" and album "Da Capo". There will be the pictures from the foto-shooting in June this year too... - This can only mean for every acer - go to the shop and buy it! ... Here you will find pictures from the video-shooting in Gothenborg - found on - click here

Da Capo

Now there is a new part on the fansite: "aktuelles Album" - here you will get all current information about the new album from Ace of Base! click here


Da Capo

Two new songs for the upcoming album "Da Capo" are revealed from the acer Mark Gershkovich: "Wonderful Life" and "World Down Under". Both songs are on a promo-Cd for the new album!


The promotion in Germany started today. Polydor made a update of the artists-site of Ace of Base with information to BM and the new pictures from the photoshooting ... Ace of Base with his single is also announced on the frontsite and the news-site of Polydor!



The fansite presented today the cover of the upcoming album "DaCapo", which will be released on 30th September in Europe! Unfortunately Edel-Mega didn`t publish the tracklicst, which is finalized!

Spanish Fly Mixes

The Spanish Fly Mixes are online now - under .


Release of Beautiful Morning

The release of the leadsingle for the upcoming album is delayed to 16th September in Germany! This was published by Polydor today. The album is planned for 30th September.

TV-appearance in Sweden

According to Simon of the band will also appear in the big Swedish TV show BingoLotto on channel TV4 the 5th October in Sweden.



The tracklist for the german Maxi-CD is set, today I got a pre-view of the german Maxi-CD of "Beautiful Morning" through a mail:

1. Radio Version (2:59)
2. Spanish Fly Radio Edit (2:57)
3. Groove Radio Edit Version (2:46)
4. Spanish Fly Club Version (5:15)
5. The Music Video (2:59)

To get a look on the cover (back/front): click here

In Scandinavia (Edel/Mega) will be released a Single-CD and a Maxi-CD. This information is confirmed by Lasse Karlsson, the manager of Ace of Base and he told it to Simon of Here the tracklists for Edel/Mega-Countries:


  1. Radio Version (2:59)
  2. Spanish Fly Radio Edit (2:57)


  1. Radio Version (2:59)
  2. Spanish Fly Radio Edit (2:57)
  3. Groove Radio Edit Version (2:46)
  4. Spanish Fly Club Version (5:15)

Artikel - Interviews - Bilder

Last days were very exciting for the fans - Ace of Base made promotion in Sweden - there are various article about them on newspapers and they did some interviews on TV and radio. Now this articles and interviews are online: click hier

Now the first pics of the foto-shooting in June 2002 in Gothenborg are online: click hier



Beautiful Morning

In Germany the Maxi-CD only will be released, which contains 4 versions of the song and the video to "Beautiful Morning". The single will be released on 9th September! On the german airplay-charts the song climbed on the top-position 18! These facts are confirmed by Polydor. More informations to the Promo-day in Germany they could not give.



The video had his debut on the german TV-station VIVA - now you can download it: Video - Beautiful Morning

Pictures to the video are online too >>Bilder


Today the interview from Sounds Nordic with Ace of Base was on air. But there are not really news. Only that Ulf wrote about 30 songs and one of it will appear on the album "DaCapo". You can download the interview on


Ace of Base on TV/video-premiere

Ace of Base on TV, on radio - now the time is come. Today the video to Beautiful Morning had his debut on VIVA! The Show "Neu bei VIVA" will be repeated at 9 am and 5 pm tomorrow - "Beautiful Morning" is the last clip! On 25.08. - this sunday we will get the interview of Sounds Nordic with Ace of Base, some time later you will be able to download it from the website of the show. Here the dates and the links:

25.08. - 9 am + 5 pm "Neu bei VIVA" - video to Beautiful Morning on VIVA

25.08. - 7 pm "Sounds Nordic" Interview with Ace of Base preview/download


Ace of Base in Germany

Ace of Base will come to Germany for one promotion-day within the next 2 weeks! But only 3 of the 4 swedish musicians will be in Germany - Malin, Jenny and Ulf. This information was confirmed by Polydor through a phonecall today.

Video to Beautiful Morning

The video to the leadsingle is online! >>


Ace of Base in BamS

Somebody, who read the german sunday-newspaper "Bild am Sonntag" could get a look to Ace of Base! They congratulates VIVA-BamS to their first anniversary.

Jenny and Jonas on charity-CD

Jenny & Jonas are to record a song for a religious charity album to be released in Sweden. Lasse Berghagen will be working with many famous Swedish singers on the album, which will be released in the Autumn. It is released in aid of collecting money for Pingst who help drug addicts get rid of their habits. Jonas has offered to write one of the songs for the album.


Tracklist of BM

Lasse Karlsson contacted again the webmaster of and informs them with the tracklist of the single and the Maxi of BM. The Danish remixer Spanish Fly was commissioned to bring Beautiful Morning into the clubs (recent work includes remixes of Shakira and Britney Spears). The single/Maxi will be out on 9th September on Edel-Mega-countries. In Germany probably the the Maxi will be released. Here the tracklistings:


  1. Radio Version
  2. Extended Version


  1. Radio Version
  2. Extended Version
  3. Album Version
  4. Spanish Fly Remix

German WebCharts

Ace of Base is with Beautiful Morning the highest new entry on No. 15 on the german WebCharts! Here you can vote for BM! The charts will be on air 5 or 6 times in week on ChartFM. >Charts



DaCapo - this is the title of the new album, which will be released on 30th September this year in Germany. These facts Polydor published on their journalistlounge today. The title is confirmed from Edel/Mega and the BMM (Management of Ace of Base) too. The release in UK and North-America should be in 2003.

video to Beautiful Morning

The video to Beautiful Morning will edit again. On Wednesday the video was shown the label and the band, but it didn`t correspond to the introduction of the label.


Lasse Karlsson announces more news

Lasse Karlsson sent a mail to the webmaster of, Simon Hellström, which contains these:

"Hello everyone, so radio is taking good care of the first single.
The band would love to thank you all for the support of calling radios around the globe...."
Great work, fellows! Keep it up.
Lasse reveals that after the debut on #300 on the German airplay chart, Beautiful Morning climbed rapidly to #92 and is now, on its third week, at spot #70! According to Universal Music, it is the label's fastest-moving track this year!

The release date for the album is once and for all confirmed to be the 30th of September. The title should be revealed within a week's time!


Ace of Base is starting the airplay on much stations and their charts. After the success on the SWR3-charts with the current rank 4 (2nd week) - the song is announced as a new song on the charts of the station Jump and the german web-charts. Here you can vote:

deutsche Web-Charts


new press-release of Polydor

Today Polydor published on the journalistlounge a new and very voluminous press-release and announced official for the first time the songs "The Juvenlie", "Change With The Light", "Da Capo" and "Ordinary Day". Here you will read the important part of the press-release, the full press-release you can read here (only in German)!

Ace of Base sold more 30 million albums and 15 milliom singles. Now they are back with the single "Beautiful Morning", a classic pop-song with the typical Ace of Base-style, whixh was written from the 3 Berggren-siblings. In the early autumn 2002 the band will release a new album. It is the first album with only non-published songs since "Flowers/Cruel Summer" (1998) and combines the classic pop-sound of the band with new structures.

"Since our last album (Flowers) we had to be occupied with the thoughts to make a new album. Perhaps some people guessed, we were splitted, but this apllies to many other bands", says Jenny with a smile and refers to the trend in the music-industry and the fusions of many great labels. And this situation (fusion) made the recording and creating of the new album slower as hoped for.

For the right sound for the new album some producers were instructed: the swedish Jonas Von der Burg and Harry Sommerdahl from the Pile-studios had produced and together with Jonas Berggren composed some songs too, further the german Axel Breitung and Thorsten Brötzmann (No Angels) worked on the album. Jonas Berggren wrote some songs alone and some songs with the producers and some songs with the other band-members.

"Change With the Light" was written by all the band-members and together with Pontus Söderquist on the Stockholm LaCarr studio pre-produced (the highly reputated guitar-player Martin Hedström came later to help with the production of "The Juvenile"). The production of "Change With The Light" was finished by Cheif 1 in Denmark. It is a very special song for Ace of Base, because the writing of the song was made by all band-members, which was superwised by Ulf Ekberg. "He had to protect, that we got good food and nice people around us. He wanted, that we all felt good. It was great, that we got to know us as human being and musicians on this kind of work", said Jenny Berggren.

The album shows the diversity of the band. If it is the big section of pop-music, they rules all the variety of it. From the first single "Beautiful Morning", classical pop-music from the best (written from the siblings), over "Ordinary Day", a very harmonic and relaxed song, which Jonas had recovered with help of his wife Birthe as he played to her, to "Da Capo", a very amusing up-tempo-song and on of the favorite songs of Jonas. "The Juvenile" is a slow, dramatic song, which was original written for a James-Bond-movie. The label of that time convinced the band not to use the song for the movie. So the band instead of this wrote a new text to "The Juvenile".

"I love the message of the song", says Jenny in agreemant. "Rather the song says us, if you don`t care for the youth today, the youth will not care for you in time to come."

Jenny and Linn had the possibility to use often the studio of their brother. In "The Barn" (was built in a barn, which was used "ur-ur-grandfather" of the siblings) they recorded their thoughts with singing, id they were in the right atmosphere. Other recordings were made on the LaCarr studio and the Pile studios in Stockholm, but in Hamburg important parts of the album were produced too.

[...] (biography of the band - not new things about the band)

In September 2002 finally a complete, new studio-album will be released of Ace of Base - an important milestone of the swedish music-export.


promo-CD of BM

There are more pictures of the german promo-CD on the internet - the inside-cover and the CD. The tracklist is: 1. Radio-Edit (2:59), 2. Groove-Radio-Edit (2:46) To get the pics and more informations to the single: click here

08.08.2002 interview of Sounds Nordic (radio sweden)

The interiew will air with an accompanying contest on 25 August (repeating 8 September). The contest will be for autographed Ace Of Base CDs. The interview was done with Jenny and Ulf through a phonecall! This information was announced by !

Finally Polydor published on the journalist-lounge the soundclip of the song. This is the same song like on - it is the radio-edit. Furthermore a second song was mentioned, called the Groove-Radio-Edit. It is possible, that it is the second song of the Promo-CD and that this will be on the tracklist of the Maxi-CD.

video/promo-CD of BM

In a phonecall today Polydor confirmed, that the filming of the video in Gothenborg is finished! The video shows the members of Ace of Base with their singing parts. The focus on the singing member will be changed through a touch between the singer of the old and new part. More details were not said by Polydor, because the video is edited for the perfect style. The video will be on the TV-stations to the right time. This is 2 or 3 weeks before the official release of BM. Furthermore Polydor confirmed, that on the German Promo-CD there are 2 versions of BM...


More details to video-shooting you will get from the new Expressen-article, which was translated by Couer on the Hallo-Boards - with exclusive pictures: click here

07.08.2002 new version of Beautiful Morning

Today the radiostation NDR2 played a new version of "Beautiful Morning" - with more drums and guitars! But it is possible that the difference could be a result of the different qualitiy of the files and of the different sending-properties of the readiostation. You can listen to the version with this Realplayer-clip: Beautiful Morning

04.08.2002 Promo-Cover of Beautiful Morning

The website to the german radiostation SWR3 published this cover of the Promo-CD in the internet. You will find some differents on the picture to the cover of  (Jenny, Linn, Background).

On the website you will get some more informations to Ace of Base like biograpyy, discography ... you also can vote for the single "Beautiful Morning". On !


03.08.2002 "Beautiful Morning"

The song will ne presented as a new new possible song for the SWR3-charts on 04th September! After the you can vote for the song. The show will be 7 to 10 pm german time! Vote on the following site:

SWR3- Die SWR3-Charts

02.08.2002 interview

Ace of Base will make an interview with the radio-station "radio Sweden". The DJ of the show "Sounds Nordic" Gaby Katz will ask the group want to use questions from the fans too! Send your questions in ENGLISH please to the following adress till 06th August:

E-mail AOB Questions To-

The interview will be sent on 11th august. More infos here.

01.08.2002 video

The video to "Beautiful Morning" will be filmed next week definitely! It will take place in Gothenborg. This was confirmed by the german label Polydor through a phonecall with me.

30.07.2002 new press-release from Polydor

The german label Polydor published a new press-release the upcoming single and album:

Ace Of Base are back. After more than 3 years break the swedish pop-quartett is presenting a new "hammer"-single: the single is called "Beautiful Morning" and is a hit now yet . Ulf, Jenny, Jonas und Malin are grooving in their typical Aob-style in a new chapter of their success-historie. Besides the mega-producent Axel Breitung (No Angels, DJ Bobo, Modern Talking etc.) takes for, that the sound sounds fresh and modern and is finished as such a hit!

With this "Morning-hymn" Ace of Base ties to the hits from the 90s. With over 40 millions saled CDs Ace Of Base are one of the best act of the world all the time. "All That She Wants", "The Sign" and "Happy Nation" are evergreens yet, which wrotes pop-historie.

The single "Beautiful Morning" will be released on 9th September. There will be a highclass-video, which will be aired on the TV-stations. Many TV-features and a big marketingcampaign will take for, that Ace of Base will be on the top of the pops! At the end of September the album will be released with only non-published songs!

Now, this will be a great and big summer for the german fans of Ace of Base! Especially TV-appearances and interviews will be a great thing for the fans. After the last press-release the album should be released in October, now thex ppushed it back to the end of September!

  Germany-debut of Beautiful Morning

The german debut of the leadsingle will not the 30th July, because the song could be listened on 28th July on the radiostation WDR2!

26.07.2002 "Beautiful Morning"

The Song will have his premiere on the german radios on 30th July on the sender "Aachen 100,Eins". Bewteen 9 and 10 pm german time the song will be played on the show "Nightlife" with the special "Flotten 3er vor 10" together with "The Sign" and "All That She Wants". The link for the webradio you will get on the site of this radiostation:

25.07.2002 new Album/"Beautiful Morning"

Polydor published an official statement about Ace of Base and the releases, here the translation:

ACE OF BASE are back


After more than 3 years break the swedish pop-quartett is presenting a new single: "Beautiful Morning". Ulf, Jenny, Jonas und Malin are grooving in their typical Aob-style in a new chapter of their success-historie. With over 40 millions saled CDs Ace Of Base are one of the best act of the world. "All That She Wants", "The Sign" and "Happy Nation" are evergreens yet, which wrotes pop-historie. The single "Beautiful Morning" will be released on 9th September; the album should follow in Oktober.

Now the single will be released on 09th September 2002 definitely and the album will follow 4 weeks later in Oktober! Furthermore Polydor confirmed, that "Please Don`t Stop" will not be on the new album! Probably the video will be filmed next week!

24.07.2002 official homepage

The official homepage had an update and is informing now about the leadsingle! It has a soundlcip of "Beautiful Morning" in best quality on it!

Don`t forget to subscribe the official newsletter!

  Beautiful Morning - online now!

The song hatte had his premiere on the austrian radio Ö3! Within a short time you could download the song - follow these links:

19.07.2002 "Beautiful Morning"

Today Polydor published the release-date for the commercial releasing of the first single "Beautiful Morning". In Germany the single will be released on 03rd September 2002 and will make happy the fans after more than 2 years. In 2000 Ace of Base released their last single with "Hallo Hallo".

Instead of this fact announced, that the single will be released on 09th September und the album will follow on 30th September. The promotion-manager of Polydor confirmed to me, that the single will be released on 03rd September. The date for the album is not fixed and is set for the end of September! I got the informations today by a call with Polydor, time: 4 o`clock p.m. MET.

17.07.2002 official news to the new single

In a phonecall with the german label Polydor I could get some new informations about the upcoming album:

Polydor confirmed, that "Beautiful Morning" is the lead-single. The song has a reggae-touch and sounds like "The Sign" or "All That She Wants" with modern influences. The song contains a gospel-chor and the theme is about a beautiful day and "morning" like the title say, it is a happy song. The Song was wrote and produced especially by Axel Breitung, In past he worked for example for Modern Talking, Rednex or Amorosi and produces many Hits.

The song will send out so fast as possible to the radio-stations and will on air at the end of July! The commercial release will be on the beginning of September, the album will follow 4 weeks later.

Till 2 or 3 songs the tracklist of the new album is fixed. On the album will be definitely "Beautiful Morning", "Da Capo", "Unspeakable" AND A NEW SONG WITH THE TITLE "Juvenile".

The fotoshooting in Gothenborg some weeks ago was made by Matthias Bothor. The fotos reached the labels and the band. Now the band is deciding, which fotos will be published! After this we will get the fotos through the internet or promotion, perhaps on some fansites before!

To the question, is "Island in the South" a new song by Ace of Base, Polydor could not confirm it, but they will check it out with Jonas what a song it is.

14.07.2002 a new song? 

The acer AJ found a new song of the website from EMI. He is called "Island in the South" and is produced by Diane Warren, Douglas Carr and Jonas Berggren. It could be a song for the new album of Ace of Base, but till now there is no official confirmation about it ...

12.07.2002 Lead-Single 

Now it is chosen!!! The Lead-Single of the new album is:

"Beautiful Morning"

Written by: Jonas, Jenny and Linn Berggren
Produced by: Pontus Söderqvist at LaCarr Studios, Stockholm and Axel Breitung, Germany

The titel and the snfos were told by Manager Lasse Karlsson to Simon Hedström (Webmaster of ). More infos to the single like sound, lyrics etc. are not known till yet! But now you have enough to discuss ...

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